
  • Animal Lady Visits Our Reception Children

    On Monday 28th June, our reception children were visited by the animal lady as part of their animals topic... and she naturally did not come alone. She brought with her some of her hairy and not so hairy friends to meet our wonderful children. These included a skunk, a snake, an owl and a gecko.
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  • Our Sports Day

    On Friday, we held our annual sports day. We had some great weather (thankfully) and the children loved taking part in a range of events during the day. Once again, due to Coronavirus, we unfortunately were unable to have parents with us. We are sorry for the disappointment that this will have caused for many of you.
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  • Back to School Plan

    Please find below our plan for our return to school on Monday 8th March (please click on the two images). Please read the letter and the booklet carefully, as they both contain important information that you need to know. Paper copies of this information are also being given out to those children who are currently in school and will be posted to those who are not. Please note that the decision to close school at 12:00 on a Friday will be initially reviewed at Easter.
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  • RSE (Relationships and Sex Education) Consultation

    Please click the link below to view the consultation letter and information about our proposals. RSE Consultation.pdf
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  • All you need to know about school during lockdown

    Key Worker/Vulnerable Provision School is open to key workers and vulnerable children from 8:35 - 3:15 each week day. Places must be booked. To book a space at this, please contact the school office on the Wednesday of the week before you'd like your child to start. Children should be dropped in school between 8:35 and 8:45 at the hall entrance.
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  • Reception's Nativity Performance

    Due to coronavirus and our reception children having to have a period of isolation (just as we were going to start practicing our nativity performance), we had to adapt our nativity this year. Nothing gets you in the mood for Christmas like a nativity performance, so we were determined to produce one. Well done to all of the children who took part in this, the reception staff that were involved in creating this and also to our very talented Miss Jennings for recording and compiling this video. We hope that you enjoy watching it.
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  • Congratulations Carla

    On 11th December, Gary Sambrook MP visited Colmers Farm to award Carla, in Year 5, her certificate for her Christmas card entry into his competition. Carla's design was one of the runners up in the competition. Her design will appear on the back of 700 Christmas cards that will go to people such as our Prime Minister, Boris Johnson. Well done Carla.
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  • Writing week at Colmers

    This week we have had our writing week at Colmers Farm Primary and we had something special planned for this. The stimulus for this was the launching of the Colmers Farm Teddy into space. Yes you did read right - we sent a real teddy into real space (or pretty close to real space). All of our classes got to watch the build up live and to ask questions about the launch and our brave bear's journey.
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  • Our Big Arts Week Exhibition 2020

    On the 3rd and 4th November, the children got to see all of their work from Big Arts Week displayed in an exhibition in the upper hall. Well done to all of the children and staff at Colmers Farm for working so hard to create this. You all did an amazing job. Unfortunately we were unable to have out parents in to see this.
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  • Big Arts Week At Colmers Farm

    WB 19th October 2020 This week was big arts week at Colmers Farm. Each year group focused on the art work of a particular artist and developed their artistic skills to produce art work in the style of these artists. These artists were: * Karel Appel - Reception * William Morris - Year 1 * Bridget Riley - Year 2 * James Rizzi - Year 3 * Peter Thorpe - Year 4 * Danielle Foye - Year 5 * LS Lowry - Year 6. All of the work produced was displayed in the upper hall and all of the children will have an opportunity to see this after the half term holiday.
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