On behalf of all the staff, pupils and governors, it gives me great pleasure as Headteacher, to welcome you to our school website.
Our staff endeavour to provide a calm, nurturing, inclusive and stimulating environment where good behaviour and mutual tolerance and respect are modelled by everyone and where everyone is valued and included. Your children are the reason why we are members of staff at this school. We will therefore always try to ensure that all of our pupils feel safe and happy; develop a strong moral compass; are confident and that they leave us having achieved their academic potential. This will enable them to succeed in their next stage of education and beyond.
We hope that you find everything that you are looking for on our website and that what you see and read gives you an insight into what makes our school such a wonderful school for pupils to attend and for our staff to work at.
If you would like to know more, please get in touch. We would love to hear from you.
Mr. Williams