
  • Writing Week at CFPS

    This week has been our writing week at our school. We have based this year’s writing week around a book called Journey by Aaron Becker. This is a fabulous story about the self-determination and unexpected friendships that a little girl makes after she draws a magic door on her bedroom wall, through which she visits a new world. The wonderful thing about this book is that it is a picture book, with no words, which means that every child could access this to different depths.
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  • School Council London Visit

    Our Year 3-6 school councillors went on a very special trip to London this week. Our school councillors were also joined by school councillors from Turves Green Primary (one of our other schools in our MAT). On this 'adventure', we got to experience the Tube in rush hour and we had special guided tours of Westminster Abbey, where our King’s coronation took place, and the Houses of Parliament. Whilst we were at the Houses of Parliament we had a special lesson about how laws are made.
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  • Year 6's Visit to The Factory Young People's Centre

    Over the past 10 weeks, Year 6 have been taking part in a special project called Resilience 2 Resolve. We are one of the first schools in Birmingham to take part in this project and it has been very successful. To celebrate our final session on Thursday, Year 6 were invited to The Factory Young Peoples Centre in Longbridge after school. Here the children took part in a variety of team building/co-operation activities, which included creating a mummy, building the tallest possible structure from spaghetti and marshmallows, parachute games and much, much more.
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  • Birmingham Royal Ballet Visit

    At Colmers Farm Primary School, we are always looking for ways to provide our children with new experiences and today we welcomed into school the Birmingham Royal Ballet to work with our Year 1 children. This workshop consisted of the children trying different ballet skills including stretches, side gallops and jumping. This was all done to various Disney songs/music, played by one the Royal Ballet’s staff on his keyboard. It was lovely to see all of our Year 1 children involved in this and thoroughly enjoying the session.
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  • Easter Bonnet and Egg Dioramas

    In what is quickly becoming a Colmers Farm tradition at this time of the year, we held our KS2 Egg Diorama Competition and KS1/Reception Easter Bonnet Parade this week. Once again, both events demonstrated just how imaginative and creative our parents and children are. Hopefully you had a lot of fun creating these together. The standard of creations was exceptional (I’ve resisted the temptation to write eggce ptional there) and it was great to see so many parents at the Easter Bonnet Parade and Egg Diorama display at the end of the day.
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  • Spring Term Governor Award Assembly

    Each term, we choice one child from each year group to receive a very special Governors' or Headteacher's Award. We are always joined by one of our Governors for this assembly and this term we were joined by our staff governor Miss Cross to help give out these awards. Our governors do a very important job as they help all of the leadership team and staff at our school to make our Colmers Farm even better than it already is. The Governors' Awards are given out for: * Being a great role model to others; * For improving the well-being of others.
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  • House of Lords Q and A

    Today our Year 5s took part in a workshop called 'Learn with the Lords', this was a 40- minute Q and A session with a member of the House of Lords, Baroness Altmann. The children had the opportunity to ask the Baroness lots of questions about how the House of Lords works and what her role is. They learnt so much and were so grateful to her for giving up her time for us. She was so impressed with the questions the children asked and was very complimentary of their manners and the depth of their questions.
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  • World Book Day 2023

    Today was World Book Day and here at Colmers Farm we celebrated in some fantastic ways! Every year group took part in the 'Great Colmers Farm Book Swap' and children who brought in a book got to chose a 'new' preloved book to take home. At the start and the end of the day, we had parents in our lower hall reading with their children. Reception had a great afternoon when Year 5 came down and read stories to them.
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  • Safer Internet Day 2022-2023

    To mark Safer Internet Day and to reinforce the importance of all children staying safe while they are online, we ran a special e-safety poster competition in school. Our six lucky winners, chosen by our team of digital champions, each won a special prize and will have their posters copied and displayed around school. Choosing winners was very difficult, particularly when we received so many high quality entries. We would like to thank everybody who took part.
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  • Year 6's visit to Birmingham Symphony Hall

    Today, our Year 6s went on a very special trip to Birmingham Symphony Hall, which is a world class concert venue. Here our Year 6s enjoyed a range of classic performances by The City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra around the theme of ‘This World’. This involved a journey through physical and human geography with a sonic exploration of the world. Our Year 6s enjoyed this classical music experience.
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