
  • Year 3 and 5 first aid training

    At Colmers Farm, we believe that all of our pupils should receive first aid training whilst they are at our school. As part of our Colmers Farm Primary Guarantee, we ensure that our pupils receive their initial training in Year 3 and that this is revisited and refreshed in Year 5. Today our Year 3 and 5s received their first aid training. They all took this training very seriously and their attitudes during these were exemplary.
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  • The World Reimagined Project

    Since May, pupils in our Year 5 and 6 art club have been working on a project called ‘The World Reimagined’. This a UK-wide art education project featuring globally-recognised artists to transform how we understand the Transatlantic Trade in Enslaved Africa and its impact on us all. It is not ‘Black History’, it is all of our history. Primary schools involved in the project have been exploring and celebrating ‘Mother Africa’.
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  • Equality Video for Commonwealth Games

    Over the last few weeks, our Year 6s have been busy putting together a video to highlight inclusion. This is something that we strongly believe in at our school. It is an important part of our school's ethos and curriculum. This video was shown at Pride House as part of a project for the Commonwealth Games to show all visiting athletes, officials and delegates that everybody is welcome in this great city and country of ours.
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  • Well Being Award

    Over the last year we have been working towards gaining the Wellbeing Award for Schools through Optimus Education. We are very please to announce that after our final assessment today, we have gained this award. This award focuses on changing the long-term culture of the whole school, using an evidence-based framework to drive change. It aims to ensure that mental health and wellbeing sit at the heart of school life.
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  • CFPS Jubilee Day

    As part of our celebrations of the Queens' Platinum Jubilee, we held a number of special events. This included a dress in red, white and blue day and a special dinner time picnic on our field. Fortunately, the weather was perfect for this event and everybody really enjoyed it. Throughout the week, in our art lessons, pupils created art work of the Queen.
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  • Pathway to Podium Silver Award

    We are proud that our PE provision at Colmers Farm has gained us an award – The Pathway to Podium Silver Award. This award celebrates our school’s contribution to Physical Education, school sport and physical activity and supports schools to improve their offer further for the benefit of children at our school. Thank you to Miss Jennings, Miss McCarron and Mr Latham for their hard work in helping us to gain this award.
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  • Year 3's Visit to Birmingham City Centre

    Year 3 really enjoyed their trip into Birmingham City Centre. The children had researched landmarks as part of their history and geography topic before the visit. They were then the tour guides during the visit, sharing all the information they had remembered. Year 3 began their tour at New Street Station and took in the sights of the Rotunda, Bullring, Lord Nelson’s statue, Selfridges and St.
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  • Perry the Bull visits Colmers Farm

    We are all very excited at Colmers Farm about the Commonwealth Games being held in Birmingham this year. On Wednesday this week, our Year 3 and 4 children had a special assembly about the Commonwealth Games. They also welcomed to our school a very special visitor - Perry the Bull who is Birmingham 2022's official mascot.  


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  • Our Eggcellent Egg Diorama Egghibition

    Over the last few weeks, our KS2 pupils and their families have been busy creating egg dioramas as part of our school's Easter celebrations. We are lucky to have so many creative pupils and their families at our school and the standard of entries was eggceptionally high. Our KS1 school council chose the winners and went to classes to present the winners with their prizes. We hope that all of our families enjoyed working together on these.
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  • Panathlon winners!

    A huge well done to our Year 3, 4 and 5 Panathlon team, who managed to beat the other 3 schools in our trust to win this MAT competition at King Edwards School. We are all really proud of you all. Congratulations!
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