
  • Our School's Parliamentarians' Visit to London

    Each year at Colmers Farm Primary School, our school council (or school parliamentarians as they are known this year) go on a special trip to London. It's always a very early start (6:40 a.m.) and is a very long day, but it is always an amazing visit. This year we joined on this trip by children from Turves Green Primary School (one of the other school's from our Multi-Academy Trust) The purpose of this trip is to teach the children about democracy and their role as school councillors/parliamentarians. The main part of this visit is a tour of the Houses of Parliament and a lesson about democracy in the Houses of Parliament education department.
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  • Fire Service Visit to CFPS

    As part of Year 2's history topic about 'The Great Fire of London', our Year 2s were visited by firefighters from Northfield Fire Station. During this visit, they had the opportunity to talk to the firefighters about their jobs and they were also able to have a close look at their fire engine. This involved the opportunity to sit in the driver's seat, to use the siren and flashing lights, to find out about the different pieces of equipment on the fire engine and the best part... to use the fire engine's hose on the playground.
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  • Year 3 and 5 First Aid Workshops

    At Colmers Farm Primary School, we believe that learning first aid skills is vital. As part of the Colmers Farm Primary Guarantee, we ensure that all of our children in Year 3 receive this training and that this is repeated in Year 5. Today, we were visited by two trainers from Mini First Aid who delivered this. Our trainers were very complimentary about how engaged and motivated to learn our children were.
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  • Rock Kids Visit

    Today Years 1-6 were visited by Rock Kidz. The Rock Kidz workshops were focused upon anti-bullying and building appropriate relationships. All of our pupils throughly enjoyed these Rock 'n' Roll workshops, which included some acting, songs, dancing and even some staff v pupil dance offs. Mr Lynch, Mr Bowtell and Miss Nazir did the staff proud!
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  • Ofsted Report

    On 14th and 15th June we were inspected by Ofsted. We unfortunately could not share the result of this inspection until today when we received our final report. As a school we are delighted with the report which graded us overall as good and outstanding in Personal Development. This is a testament to the journey we have all been on since joining Excelsior MAT and to all the hard work of our staff, pupils and community.
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  • Year 2's trip the Birmingham Sea Life Centre

    Our Year 2s travelled by coach to the National Sea Life Centre in Birmingham. They had the opportunity to observe penguins playing happily and otters sleeping peacefully. Our Year 2s were able to touch starfish. There was a whole tank full of clownfish and blue tangs.
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  • Reception Trip to Little Owl Farm Park

    Reception had a fantastic time on their recent visit to Little Owl Farm Park, with it also supporting their learning for our Summer term theme of Ticket to Ride. After a very exciting bus journey, our children had lots of opportunities to meet different animals and to explore the outdoors. The highlights of our trip were holding some of the animals and feeding the piglets, watching the sheep race and going on a tractor trailer ride where our children had to spot different animals hiding. We also made sure there was plenty of time for a well deserved ice lolly before our journey back :).
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  • Year 6 at the Big Bang Event

    Year 6 had an absolutely great time at The Big Bang Fair at the NEC. This event is the biggest celebration of STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths) for young people in the UK. It was a fantastic opportunity to see these subjects in action, opening an understanding of how large and important a part of our society this subject is. The industrial sectors were out in all force: from HS2 to Specsavers, to Nissan's all Electric Car and Boston Dynamics' Spot Robot Dog - which was something quite awe-inspiring to showcase how science works in real life.
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  • A Midsummer Night's Dream at CFPS

    On Monday 12 th June, Years 4, 5 and 6 took part in a Shakespeare workshop delivered by Shakespeare Today. We explored the play 'A Midsummer Night's Dream'. Each class was given a different scene from the play, some classes were even given several scenes and we explored them in different ways. Year 4 focused on creating freeze frames for the opening scenes of the play and Year 5 and 6 challenged themselves by including dialogue in their pieces.
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  • Year 4's Visit Kenilworth Castle

    On Monday 5 th June, Year 4 students visited Kenilworth Castle as part of their history topic about Castles. We spent the day exploring the grounds and ruins in the sunshine and learnt all about the history of the castle. We visited the Leicester Gatehouse, which was built in 1571 by Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester, as part of his grand plan to woo Queen Elizabeth I! We also learned about the mysterious death of Robert Dudley's wife - an accidental death or was it murder?
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