
  • Year 6's Visit to St Philip's Cathedral

    At Colmers Farm, we are working hard to promote the acceptance, respect and understanding of others who may have different faiths or beliefs to ourselves. This is part of our 'No Outsiders' approach to teaching equality. At our school, every year group (from Years 2-6) visits a different place of worship each year, which reflects a different religion. These visits link with the RE topic each year group are studying.
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  • Year 5's Mosque Visit

    As part of their RE studies about Islam, Year 5 visited Birmingham Central Mosque. Year 5 had the opportunity to explore this building and find out about its features and how people of a Muslim faith use this building to practise their faith. The children and staff all really enjoyed this visit and learnt a lot about Islam and mosques during it. These visits are important in developing children's knowledge, tolerance and respect for others from different faiths, as we prepare our children to live and work in the multi-cultural world in which we live.
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  • Year 1's visit to the Black Country Museum

    Year 1 visited the Black Country Museum as part of their Houses and Homes topic. Here they got to visit a Victorian school and they met a very strict Victorian teacher. They also visited some Victorian shops, some Victorian houses and many other places. Our Year 1s represented our school magnificently whilst on the visit.
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  • Professor McGinty Visits Year 4

    On Thursday, Year 4 were visited by the one and only Professor McGinty (the Amazing Time Traveling Detective). This visit was to reinforce the children's learning and knowledge about their Roman topic, which is their focus for this term. The children really enjoyed this visit and Professor McGinty was very impressed at the end of the day with the knowledge the children demonstrated throughout his shows and also with the quality of their questions which they were asking. Well done Year 4!
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  • Year 3 Zoolab Visit

    Year 3 today had a visit from Zoolab. This visit was organised to compliment their studies about the Amazon Rainforest. During this session, the children (and our staff) got to learn about, see and handle a range of animals which are native to this rainforest including rats, snakes, tarantulas, frogs and many more. Our Year 3s really enjoyed this session.
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  • Year 3 First Aid Training

    If you ever need first aid at Colmers Farm, Year 3 is now the place to visit. Year 3 this week had their first aid training day where they learnt how to deal with a range of injuries, along with how to put people into the recovery position, how to do CPR and what to do if somebody is chocking. Our Year 3s really enjoyed this training and those children I spoke to afterwards had certainly learnt lots. At Colmers Farm Primary School, we believe passionate that all of our children in their time with us should receive first aid training.
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  • Accelerated Reader Competition Winners

    As Doctor Seuss said, “The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” Reading is an activity that we highly value at Colmers Farm Primary School. It is such an important activity for children (and adults) to regularly take part in. Tuesday this week marked the end of our Accelerated Reader competition, where we challenged everybody in KS2 to read as many words as they could in a week.
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  • Our new art and design and technology studio

    At the end of March, we found our that Colmers Farm had won the MATs innovation project with our idea which was to turn one of our spare rooms into a new art and design and technology studio and to employee a specialist art and deign and technology teacher. At Colmers Farm we are really exited and passionate about developing our provision within these areas, which will provide our children with a wide range of experiences, skills and other benefits. We are delighted to announce that the construction phase of our project has now begun. See the photos below.
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  • MAT Annual Report to Parents

    Please find below a link to the MAT annual report. Click here to read.
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  • First Aid Training

    At Colmers Farm Primary School, our children are always learning. One of the most important skills any of us could learn though is how we could help somebody in a medical emergency. Years 3 and 5 learnt exactly this on Monday and Tuesday this week, when they had 2 hours of first aid training. Here our children learnt about how to get help in an emergency; how to carry out CPR; how to put people in the recovery position and how to treat burns, bleeding, broken bones, choking and head bumps.
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