
  • Chess Competition

    At Colmers Farm, we have been running a very successful chess club before school each Thursday led by Coach Anthony. As part of this, we were invited to a chess competition at Rednal Hill Infant School where our chess team competed against players from Rednal Hill Infant School and Cofton. Our team was fantastic. They demonstrated great sportsmanship throughout and I was very impressed with their ability and skill at playing chess, particularly as they have been playing less than a year.
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  • Year 2's Visit to the Sealife Centre

    Year 2 visited the Sea Life Centre in Birmingham on Tuesday as part of their Under the Sea topic. They saw lots and lots of different sea creatures, including otters, penguins and seahorses! It was a great day and the children were impeccably behaved and represented Colmers Farm extremely well. Well done Year 2!
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  • Year 3's Cadbury World Visit

    Year 3 took the train to Cadbury World as part of their history and geography topic learning about Birmingham. Our pupils learnt some more about the history of Cadburys and Bournville and some had the chance to dress up as workers. The staff were really impressed with the knowledge our pupils already had. Year 3 got to experience the 4D cinema, a tour of the factory and they even got to taste some delicious chocolate (and bring some back home).
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  • Rags 2 Riches Collection

    Thank you to everybody who donated clothes to our Rags 2 Riches collection. We managed to collect an amazing 340kg of clothes which raised £171.85 for school funds. We very much appreciate your support and generosity with this. Thank you also to Miss Freemantle’s Eco Club for their help with this.
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  • Super League Netball Visit

    Miss Rudge and Mr Williams took a group of 7 pupils (who go to our netball club each week) to a professional Super League netball game at the University of Worcester, between Severn Stars and Surrey Storm. At the end of the game, our pupils got to meet some of the Severn Stars players and get their autographs. All of our pupils were impeccably well-behaved and they enjoyed this trip. Hopefully they also picked up a few tricks and skills which they can use in their future netball games.
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  • Easter Bonnet and Egg Diorama Day

    This week, we held two of the most popular events on our school calendar, our Reception/Key Stage 1 Easter Bonnet Parade and our Key Stage 2 Egg Diorama event. Yet again, both events demonstrated just how imaginative and creative our parents and children are. Hopefully you had a lot of fun creating these together. The standard of creations was eggspecially eggseptional this year.
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  • Year 6 Trip to Symphony Hall

    As part of our Colmers Farm Primary Guarantee, which aims to broaden our pupils’ experiences, Year 6 visited Birmingham’s world-famous Symphony Hall to see the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra in action. The music performed ranged from a compilation of music from Harry Potter, to the Angry Birds theme to Ravel’s Bolero. These school concerts are designed to inspire children to explore the world of live music. Our Year 6s thoroughly enjoyed their visit and they represented our school very well indeed.
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  • MAT School Parliament Meeting

    Pupils across the Excelsior schools participated in the third session of the Bright Leaders Initiative. Pupils engaged in many fun and interactive activities which enabled them to work in pairs and teams to solve problems and to initiate solutions to demanding tasks. The program enabled pupils to improve their oracy skills and become more resilient individuals. Well done to our School Parliamentarians who represented us so well during this day.
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  • Dogs Trust Visit to Year 6

    Year 6 are fundraising money for Dogs Trust. To better understand the work that this charity do, we invited them to come and speak to us. It was a wonderful afternoon of acting, reading and discussing the work that happens at Dogs Trust. There was even a mystery to solve all about how to stay safe around dogs and why they may behave a certain way.
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  • Year 2 Christmas Movie Night

    As part of Year 2’s Colmers Farm Primary Guarantee, Year 2 had a Christmas film night in school. This involved the children, dressed in their pyjamas, watching the festive film ‘Arthur Christmas’ after school whilst also enjoying some tasty nibbles. The children thoroughly enjoyed this experience. Thank you staff for giving up your time to support after school which enabled this event to happen.
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