The ability to read, write and analyse; the confidence to stand up and demand justice and equality; the qualifications and connections to get your foot in that door and take your seat at the table - all of that starts with education.
Michelle Obama

Our School

At Colmers Farm Primary School we admit up to 60 children each September into our Early Years Foundation Stage unit (EYFS). In Birmingham, children are eligible for admission in the school year in which they are age five.

We have 14 mixed ability classes across EYFS, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2. Admission to the school is non-selective and follows Local Authority guidelines.

Four to five year olds will be in one of our Reception classes and will follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum.

Five to seven year olds are in Years 1 and 2 and follow the KS1 National Curriculum. Seven to eleven year olds are in Key Stage 2 and follow the KS2 National Curriculum.

The local authority co-ordinates applications to EYFS which can be made on-line or by completing a Local Authority Preference form before the closing date. The school deals with in-year admissions, so if your child is already at school and you are interested in moving them mid-year, please contact the school office for further details.

We share a large site with a Children's Centre, Rubery Nursery School and Colmers Senior School and Sixth Form College; enabling families to access one location from Nursery through to Sixth Form.

Our broad and balanced curriculum is creative and fun and is taught through exciting projects both inside and outside of the classroom. We regularly have visitors into school to liven up the learning and parents join in with a variety of workshops.

On site we are fortunate to have our own woodland area where we run a very successful Forest School. All year groups spend half a day per fortnight at Forest School, learning about nature and caring for the environment. Forest School helps children to develop self- confidence, problem-solving skills, risk assessment skills and high self-esteem.

We have a dedicated staff, committed to developing the knowledge, skills and understanding which will enable your child to enjoy learning and achieve success. We work closely with families to enable this to happen and offer whatever support is necessary.